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Q: The Project Manager just informed me that one of our jobs requires Certified Payroll Reports. Can I print the Certified Payroll Reports for previous Payrolls?


A: Yes! In Job Account Setup, check the Print Certified Journals box and change the Number of Job Payrolls. Use the Reload Previous Payroll feature (located in the Payroll menu, Maintenance Tab) to reload the first Payroll. Proceed to Certified Journals. Remember to Start a New Payroll before proceeding to reload the next Payroll.


Q: I entered a cash receipts to the wrong bank. How can I reverse a cash receipt entry?


A: In A/R Cash Receipts, enter the customer number, select the same bank, and enter the date. Click on Include Zero Balances. Enter the check number and enter the amount as a negative. Click on the appropriate invoice(s) and click on Reverse Pay.



Q: How do I void a check?


A:  Select a control account. Enter a vendor number or click on the button with 3 dots to search for vendors. Double-click on a vendor to select. After you select a vendor, the search screen will appear with the checks that have been written to the specific vendor listed. The list will include the check number, the bank number, the check date, and the amount of the check. Double-click on the check that you want to void. Select Run Options: Always Post to Check Date. Click on Update to void the check or Cancel to cancel out of voiding this check.


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